Les essais pilotes sur la remise contrôlée de cannabis pourront débuter dès le mois de mai

Les essais pilotes sur la remise contrôlée de cannabis pourront débuter dès le mois de mai

Berne, 31.03.2021 – Le Conseil fédéral a adopté, lors de sa séance du 31 mars 2021, l’ordonnance portant sur les essais pilotes de remise contrôlée de cannabis à des fins non médicales. Le texte précise les conditions strictes dans lesquelles les études pourront être menées. L’objectif de ces essais est de fournir une base scientifique…

Applications for pilot trials on the non-medical use of cannabis can be submitted

Applications for pilot trials on the non-medical use of cannabis can be submitted

Starting from 15 May 2021, applications for pilot trials on the non-medical use of cannabis can be submitted to the FOPH. The aim of these trials is to provide a sound scientific basis for future decisions on the regulation of cannabis: Pilot trials on the controlled release of cannabis can start as early as May….

Radio: Hemp and Ecology – A local and sustainable medicine?

Radio: Hemp and Ecology – A local and sustainable medicine?

This week, in his radio programme “On va vers le beau“, Jonas Schneiter meets people who are working for sustainable solutions by developing different projects related to the production and transformation of hemp in Switzerland. Whether it is in the production of CBD, medicines, fashion or construction, he questions the role, the possibilities and the…

Medical Cannabis – Adoption of the Amendment to the Swiss Law on Narcotic Drugs (Cannabis-based medicines)

Medical Cannabis – Adoption of the Amendment to the Swiss Law on Narcotic Drugs (Cannabis-based medicines)

Bern, 08.03.2021 – The Council of States adopts the amendment to the Swiss Law on Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances. Access to medical cannabis will be made easier, as an exceptional authorisation from the FOPH for its use will no longer be required.

Crop Production in Switzerland- Hemp/Cannabis

Crop Production in Switzerland- Hemp/Cannabis

From 01.01.2021, the following applies: The agricultural production of hemp is allowed, provided it isn’t classified as a narcotic. All provisions of the seed legislation relating to the production and sale of hemp seed and seedlings are repealed (set of regulations 2020). For the agricultural production of hemp, the provisions of the plant health legislation…